Thursday, December 22, 2011

Consumers' Right

Consumers' Right
Consumers are the voluntary participants promoting the economic activities in national and the international markets being buyers. Consumer means an individual or institution consuming or using any consumer good or service (Nepal Government, 28th Jan 1998).They are the one to flourish the degree in the economic indicators of the nation. They make demands. Their demands are analyzed and the economic activities like supply according to the demand are carried out. Their demands and the limited resources determine the economic fluctuations in the country. More the demand, more the supplies are meant to be made.

Does only supply determines the economic growth of the country? As far as we know, supply will not only be one of the determining factors for the growth. Firstly, the products need to be on hand for whom it was designed for (the consumers). The consumers are the one who provide the monetary services to the seller in return of getting the things on hand. Therefore, consumers’ response rate is very important and is supposed to be equally responsible as the sellers are actively participating for selling the goods.

Active participation of consumers may not be having the degrees of ethical considerations from the sellers in the market. This is the aspect which we do not consider being a consumer or seller. Consumers are passive in nature. For instance, consumers were not aware or though aware, they could not act against the unhygienic food stuffs that were sold in the market which was flashed few months before by the Nepal Government’s Department of Food and Technology. Likewise, consumers often have to face the price hiking situations. They are not aware about the fact that the price increase in the market is made by government or the sellers themselves. Consumers are betrayed and are supplied with the not edible stuffs too. Viewing this circumstance, Consumer Forum was started in Nepal in 2043 B.S by Man Mohan Adhikari, former politician.

Viewing the history of Nepal consumer rights, it is found that Nepal had not realized to initiate for the formulation of the laws or policies rather it was felt and found that consumer law in Nepal was introduced according to the United Nations policy frame.

Who is responsible for the Consumer Right Protection?

It is stated that the consumer right protection act shall be a State administrative institution subject to the control of the Ministry of finance (Republic of Latvia, 2001). In Nepal, Consumer Protection Council was for the first time planned to be established in the year 1998. This Council as assigned to their responsibilities to regulate the facilities regarding the prices, quality, quantity and purity of consumer goods and services, as well as about unfair trading practices concerning them, or make arrangements for doing so (Nepal Government, 28th Jan 1998). Had they been assuring the rights and made the perferct regular monitoring on implementing the law that they had committed at the time of law formation, the country now would not have turned to give birth to the producers and suppliers to deceive the consumers.

At present the Consumer Protection Council is actively involving for consumers rights. World has made an effort to minimize the abusive business practices and hence have recognized a day on 15th March for the World Consumer Day. Will this succeed in promoting the Consumers’ right? If yes, then, to which extent? Well, the consumer education is what lacking. Even a student from either private or government school do not have any courses regarding consumer rights. If education does not bother to teach us about the consumer policies, how can the Consumer Protection Council only handle the situations like such when we grow up?

By getting acquainted with the policies, we are the beneficiaries on receiving the fine services while purchasing goods after these policies are practiced. Though the legal assistances are not received, we ourselves should be alert and then awareness widely spreads later. Eventually, the service providers will provide services without any kinds of deception to the consumers.

Consumer rights on eye of United Nations (UN)

UN ensures the commitment for making available goods and services at competitive prices to the consumers (Wilson, Date updated 2008).

Challenges for the Nepalese consumers

The absence of the consumer court in Nepal will not let the cases to be filed. The need for the advocacy to get qualitative goods is lacking. The acts also have loop holes. They are made applicable for the Nepali products only and not for the imported products (Pesta, 2001).
In the markets, the advertisements for the harmful cosmetics are flourishing. The prevailing demand of the high quality products could not be made by every consumer. Viewing this, the cosmetic brands are embracing the markets. The consumers are also least bothered about the quality; the quantity is what they most consider.
Why Consumers’ responsibilities?
Consumers are also supposed to be responsible for the functioning of the rules and regulations. If they are confined to their areas of responsibilities then the markets will be somehow initiate t follow the ethical considerations which may lead to the smooth relations among the manufacturer, seller or service provider. There are certain basic tasks which I will be enlisting here and we all are acquainted about:
Taking the bill after buying the product, checking the price list and
Checking the date of manufacture and expiry before purchasing any goods if it is possible to check
This is very important for the regular practices of the ethical considerations and market development. The dispute might be resolved before the buying/selling activities are already conducted. This might also be helpful in reducing illegal/abusive business practices.

We ourselves can solve the malpractices in our society at least to small degree. Therefore, we need to learn out rights following our duties and getting both tasks hand in hand. By doing this we will preserve our rights. Let us get started to claim our rights being consumer and open ourselves to perform duties. Let us convey the message in the society and let the society feel the existence of the dutiful citizens in the country.


Nepal Government. (Jan 28, 1998). Consumer Protection Act. Nepal Rajapatra , 10.
Pesta, J. (2001, July 6-12). Nepali Times. Retrieved December Tuesday, 2011, from Made in Nepal-Nepali Times:
Republic of Latvia. (2001, November 22). Retrieved December 2nd December ,Monday, 2011, from
Wilson, B. B. (Date updated 2008, December). Albama A & M and Auburn Universities. Retrieved December Monday, 2011, from Albama Co-operative extension System:

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your point that consumer rights are least considered in Nepal. Both acting agencies and consumers themselves seem to be least concerned about this matter. Consumers rarely seen raising voices effectively about the quality of the goods and services they get from the market. And it is very difficult for such concerns to be addressed if they raised. Safety and security of consumer is highly vulnerable to be affected since there is no strong and regular body to monitor and implement effective policy concerning consumer's right. In order to minimize the risk and ensure quality products and services in the market government must participate actively in this issue.
